Dhana Jeera Powder/ Coriander/ Cumin powder.

This recipe is very simple and easy, the video and the recipe on my blog are specially prepared for Homerenovates request on my blog and also from my daughter in law. Dhana Jeera powder originated in India but no one knows how long ego. It is used in most of the Indian culinary, it is added either while cooking or after the food is cooked. It adds special flavor to food. Every cook makes his/her version. The basic one is just the roasted coriander and cumin powders. The ratio between coriander and cumin seeds is 3:1, can be little more or less. 


Clean the seeds of any small stones or sticks. Roast calves and cinnamon for a minute on high heat.
Add coriander seeds roast on medium heat for 7 minutes or till golden.
Roast separately cumin seeds for 5 minutes on medium heat or you smell nice aroma.
Cool the seeds at room temperature.
Grind them separately into fine powder.
Mix and add oil.
Mix well to incorporate the oil.
Store in an airtight container






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